The Five Andrews Bumper Annual
Just in time for Christmas in Britain, we announce The Five Andrews Bumper Annual 2022
We start work on our Annual, especially a bumper one, on an agreed signal many months in advance of the announcement so this moment represents the culmination of a lot of waiting, full of anticipation.
As of this special time of year, we believe no such agreed signal to start work has been detected. However, the announcement deadline date has arrived so we decided to go ahead with the announcement anyway as it’s such a special moment in itself and something so many of us have been working up to all year in our own way. We hope too you are as excited individually and together as we are jointly and severally about today’s exciting and much loved announcement.
We always make sure to have the annual announcement event happen before Christmas so people have time to make up their minds – no-one likes a last minute rush.
We hope you enjoy the announcement at least as much as we have enjoyed making it.
While we have your attention – please wave if you, or someone you know, believe they’ve detected the agreed signal. Also wave if you hear of anyone else. Or believe you did at any time in the past – hear of someone. Or detected a signal that you, or anyone you know or may have heard of, now or at any time in the past, believe was agreed, or was once, or once did. Or is, or was, at least, of the belief that, regarding the signal, agreed or otherwise, was or has been detected or not, signal or no signal.